Scams Exposed

“I won an Emmy for exposing Scams and in this industry there are a lot of scams.”

10 Sleezy Scams
10 Dangerous Scams That Will Rob You Blind or Put You In The Hospital.
- 3 Fraud Hideouts
- Fake Video Testimonials
- AI Scams
- Long Lie-Filled Videos
- Counterfeits From Pakistan
- Quack MD's Paid By Scammers
- Shark Tank Scam
- Dr. Oz Scam
- Cheap Ingredients From China
- Fake Amazon Reviews

“I won an Emmy for exposing Scams and in this industry there are a lot of scams.”
10 Sleezy Scams
10 Dangerous Scams That Will Rob You Blind or Put You In The Hospital.
- 3 Fraud Hideouts
- Fake Video Testimonials
- AI Scams
- Long Lie-Filled Videos
- Counterfeits From Pakistan
- Quack MD's Paid By Scammers
- Shark Tank Scam
- Dr. Oz Scam
- Cheap Ingredients From China
- Fake Amazon Reviews

The explosion of prostate pill frauds are coming from three main locations...

Top on the list is Tallmadge, Ohio. This is the location for JetPack Shipping. They manufacture many of the worthless prostate pills for sleazy marketers that are hiding offshore in Romania, Columbia, and Spain. The owners of Jetpack are currently under an FTC Consent Decree for a $27 million dollar fraud involving fake pills they claimed would cure Alzheimer's. Now they are hyping fake prostate pills. The place is a fraud factory.

The #2 spot for prostate frauds is the Tampa, Florida area. Specifically, little "prostate supplement" bottles of worthless crap coming from Pinellas Park, Oldsmar, Tampa and Largo Florida are all HUGE frauds. Garbage products like Bio Prost, Steel Flow Pro, ProstaBiome, Flow Force Max and many others are all made at a place in Tampa called Eagle Labs. They are the cheapest most worthless prostate pills on the planet. And like Jetpack, the dirtbags that own Eagle Labs act as front men and protection for the crooks marketing these prostate scam pills with long, lie-filled videos, while they hide out in other countries. These foreign crooks are sipping champagne with all the cash they have stolen from hardworking men in America who fell for their slick scams that are facilitated by Eagle Labs, Jetpack Shipping and the third place - ShipOffers.

As just mentioned, the third hideout is Aurora, Colorado via the sleazy "affiliate marketing" company ShipOffers. If you have every bought a bottle of prostate pills and the address of the company is on Inverness Drive in Aurora, Colorado - then as you surely already know - you bought some worthless garbage. All of their pills are just a marketing scam. The latest fraud from this sleazy joint is ProstaZen.
So those are the three big fraud hubs. If you have any bottles of pills laying around your house - look at the address on the bottle - odds are they came from one of these three locations - three sleazy companies that should be shut down and prosecuted. See our famous Blacklist for more details on these frauds.
Fake Testimonials
- Actors Lying For Cash
Fake Testimonials - Actors Lying For Cash

Fake video success stories are everywhere. From Super Beta Prostate to ProstateMD to ProstaVive the internet is flooded with low-level actors paid to lie and pretend they are happy customers of some prostate pill. They fake testimonials are everywhere! Just look at the video above to see one example. It's from Super Beta Prostate. This is a company that has been advertising on TV for years. A company that sells their pills in major stores all over America. A company that has sold over 15 millions bottles. They had NFL superstar Joe Theismann as their spokesperson. Everything seemed legit ... but now it has come out that even they were lying to the public with fake testimonials.
The only company we can find that has real verified actual customer success stories on video, in any significant number is ProstaGenix. They have hundreds of them is not thousands. Their testimonials page on their website seems endless.
The con men know about the famous ProstaGenix video-taped testimonials and they are trying to copy ProstaGenix to fool you into buying their scam pills.
As you look through our pill reviews section on this website, you will see we go to great lengths to expose the con men and the fake video testimonials. These crooks are wrecking the prostate health of men all over the USA and Canada. It's sick how much they lie and cheat.
But thanks to Chris Hansen's incredible investigative team and their ability to use "facial recognition technology" they have been able to track down, identify and publicly name the actors pretending to happy customers giving fake, bought and paid for, testimonials. They have also be able to expose all actors - by name - pretending to be prostate researchers and prostate doctors as they lie on video, often wearing while lab coats with a stethoscope around their neck.
See our product reviews page and you will be shocked to see how much these companies lie and use fake video testimonials to steal your money. 95% of them are fakes and frauds.

AI Scams

AI Scams
Scammers are now using AI (AI stands for Artificial Intelligence) voices of such superstars as Dr. Oz, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sly Stallone, The Rock, Denzel Washington, Clint Eastwood, Jimmy Kimmel, Robert Redford and Joe Rogan to sell fake prostate pills. Every single prostate pill you see offered for sale on the Internet that shows some big time celebrity like the guys mentioned above - is a TOTAL SCAM.
These "AI Scams" have been traced to crime organizations in Romania, Pakistan and China. They are very hard to shut down because they are based off shore and they open and close so fast that the FEDS can't keep up with them. Stay away from ANY prostate pill that is offered by a celebrity on the Internet.
Long Videos
Fraud Of The Century

Long Videos Fraud Of The Century
It's the hottest scam on the planet. It's a way to make fast money. Crooks and con men from all over the world are cranking out long prostate pill videos filled with lies of miracle cures, fake scientific studies from Harvard and featuring actors paid to pretend to be medical doctors and happy customers.
All these videos have a different "hook" designed to make you think that some new angle or development you have never heard of is either the reason for your prostate trouble - crap like .... it's the bacteria in your drinking water that has been overlooked ... or it's the plastic in bottles that is releasing a chemical into your prostate ... of that some sort of "prostate parasite" that sprung up in our food supply due to fast food is the real problem. It's always some garbage like that - a specific reason that has never been mentioned before, so many guys fall for it. It's understandable that you may have been tricked as they guys are working with seasoned and highly skilled con men.

Or you may have watched a video featuring a new ... "7 second hack" use by Japanese war pilots ... or a "5 second nighttime ritual first discovered by Winston Churchill" ... or an "odd grape juice hack" use in in some Okinawa or some other exotic place where the con men claim prostate issues never exist. Or a "pee in zero gravity trick" used by Apollo astronauts. No matter what the story in these long videos they all have one thing in common...
They are all 100% bullshit.

Just look at our reviews and we go through them in detail. But is you fell for one or two or even three of more of these scams ... don't beat yourself up about it. We have spoke to thousands of men ... many of who are quite famous and very smart, who also fell for these scams. They are slick. But don't worry the con men are going down - and most importantly - you - you will never be ripped off agian - and more important ... the fact that you are here on our website doing the research, getting the information, you are now inside the 5 yard line on your way to put your prostate problems behind you.
And you'll have a front row seat to stay informed and enjoy as we shit these crooks down and see to it that they get what is coming to them for cheating so many men and robbing them of their prostate health. Because as you read this there are tens of thousands of men just like you all over the control waking up and sending information to Chris Hansen that he is funneling to authorities to help put these crooks out of business once and for all.
So not only can you make your prostate great again, but you can help join in and take care of the creeps and crooks that have ripped all of us off!
Counterfeits From Pakistan
ProstaGenix and the weight loss blockbusters Wegovy and Ozempic are the three most counterfeited health products in the world according according to a newly released report. These counterfeits are found on, eBay, and other websites. The crooks selling these counterfeits also send out unsolicited emails as well.

These counterfeits look almost identical to the real product. The differences are often very hard to notice. But the most common way to tell if something is a fake or not is the price. They all offer low prices. While ProstaGenix is by far the most counterfeited pill, there have also fake versions of Prostavar, ProLogic, Pros-Terol, and Super Beta Prostate found online. The smart thing to do is is to order directly from the companies website, or on Amazon. Amazon has done a very good job of shutting down the frauds. Walmart and eBay have not don'e a good job and they are filled with counterfeits.
Quack MD's
Paid By Scammers!

Quack MD's Paid By Scammers!
Money talks when it comes to scams. These fraudsters are flush with cash and they use it to pay actors to dress up and pretend to be doctors to lie to you.
Examples of products using actors pretending to be medical doctors include:
Bio Prost, TC24, ProstaZen, Prosta Free, Prostate 911, Elite Xtreme Prostate, Fluxactive Complete, Vital Flow, Prosta2Care, Proto Flow and many more.
Shouldn't they go to prison for that? Impersonating a medical doctor to trick men into buying some bogus cure. Hopefully our investigation and expose leads to these guys getting the book thrown at them!
Plus, some products feature low level MD's will actually take a big pay day and endorse some herbal crap. That's the case with this doctor pictured here. A total slime ball named Dr. Leo Shub. He took a bag of cash from the Caribbean Con Men mentioned above to endorse a bunch of herbal pill scams. The prostate industry is flooded with low level MD's.

Another classic medical misfit is the stooge used by Advanced Bio Nutritionals for their product Advanced Prostate Formula. His name is Dr. Frank Schallenberger. He appears in videos all over YouTube and social media.
But what they don't tell you is that he had his medical license yanked from him not once, but TWICE!!
Do you know how bad you have to screw up to lose your license to practice medicine. But Frankie Boy managed to get the hook twice. What a joke. Remember, not all doctors endorsing products are legit. Some are - but most are not.
Dr. Holly Lucille

Low Level Texas chiropractor, Steven Klaymen, is used by the crooks to promote Prostate 911 and Many Other Frauds!

Shark Tank Scam

All products being sold online that were supposedly featured on the Shark Tank TV show are a scam. Total fraud 100%. You see ads for natural Viagra pills and prostate pills featuring some new "gummy" or "super pill" that all the "Sharks" invested in, all over the internet. The ads are everywhere! Well they are all total bullshit. Every single one of them is a giant scam out to get your credit card number and rob you of your hard earned money.
Barbara Corcoran, one of the stars of the show actually filmed a video where she tracked down a low level con man who was using her name and image to sell a skin cream scam. Other stars of the show have repeated made announcements to their fans and the public in general that all pills being sold online using them as endorsement are total frauds. Daymond John, Mark Cuban, Mr. Wonderful and Robert Herjavec have all said they online solicitations are a fraud. But these scams just keep getting bigger and bigger. You see them everywhere.
Another Shark Tank superstar, Lori Greiner, teamed up with Dr. Oz to do a special segment on the Dr. Oz TV show to educate his audience of this fraud. All they can really do is try and educate people these scams because these crooks are too difficult to stop. You can't take them to court or call the FBI on them. They just open and close and then do it all over again. It's great that Lori and Dr. Oz and the others have tried to warn the public and stop these scams. They are great people for trying to prevent consumers from being ripped off.
Watch the video of Lori with Dr. Oz and you'll see just what a big scam this is. And the place where you see this scam the most is in selling fake and worthless herbal Viagra pills and in the prostate industry. So never guy anything online that claims to have been a hit on Shark Tank. It's all bullshit!
Dr. Oz Scam

Dr. Oz Scam
Any video you see online with Dr. Oz promoting a prostate pill, or gummy or cream or patch is a fraud. 100%. Crooks are using Artificial Intelligence to take old clips of his TV show and put words in his mouth to make it look like he is selling prostate pills. It's a fraud.
Dr. Oz has helped millions of people with his great health information and advice on his TV show. The last thing in the world he would ever do is sell some crap online to steal peoples money.
Dr. Oz even wrote an article about how he has tried to stop all these con men from using his name and video clips of him to trick people into buying scams.
Yet, despite his efforts - including spending over $1 million dollars of his own money to try and stop these scams, he has not been able to stop them. It's too hard. These crooks just open and close one scam after another and they can't be stopped. They are all hiding out overseas and continue to move around making capturing them almost impossible.
Dr. Oz is not the only celebrity that these crooks use to trick men. They are videos online now featuring other superstars like Sly Stallone, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Clint Eastwood, George Clooney, Dr. Ben Carson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Kevin Bacon, Denzel Washington, The Rock, Mick Jagger, David Letterman ... the list goes on and on.
Just remember all of these videos featuring endorsements online are frauds. No matter how convincing or logical the videos may appear to be - they are lies. If you have any question about a product or a video you can got to and ask Chris Hansen's investigative team and they will get you the correct information.
Again, Dr. Oz is a good guy who spent his life trying to help people. He would never be part of such a scam.
Cheap Ingredients From India & China

Cheap Ingredients From India & China
Here is how sneaky Chinese and Indian manufacturers trick American companies with
FAKE ingredients:
Herbal compounds are shipped in 25 kg drums. When the drums arrive at customs in the United States, custom representatives test the ingredients to see if they are authentic. The way they test the ingredients is to take a sample from the top part of the barrel. So the crooked manufacturers in China and India load up the top 5% of the barrel with good ingredients, knowing that is where the test sample is taken. The remainder of the 25 kg drum is then filled with worthless crap!
Since Beta-Sitosterol is white in color, often the sneaky manufacturers would fill 95% of the drum with powdered milk, because it is white. Some American companies are so crooked they don't even care! They cover their ass by testing only the top part of the drum, knowing the rest of the drum is pure worthless junk ... but they are covered and can make higher profits.
Too many sharks in these waters! That is why our testing and Chris Hansen's investigative teams facial recognition technology and skip-tracing skills are changing the industry and helping me know the truth!! Bye bye crooked companies, your tricks are exposed!
Fake Amazon Reviews

Fake Amazon Reviews
Amazon is great. So quick, easy and convent. It's no surprise that Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is one of the richest men in the world.
However, when it comes to prostate supplements you have to be very careful because Amazon is filled with worthless prostate pills and supplements with FAKE ratings and fake reviews. Many prostate supplements have 5 star ratings—they sound wonderful - yet the pills are terrible. We tested them in the lab.
It turns out that these “5 star reviews" are in fact placed there by the companies that own the product! They are not real customers. There are also counterfeits on Amazon.
One of the biggest fake review products is Havasu Saw Palmetto. Currently they have over 37,000 reviews. Literally 37,000. And they have a 4.3 star rating. But it is all bullshit. The product is garbage. Multiple lab tests show it is literally a bottle of worthless powder. So how do they get 37,000 reviews and a sterling 4.3 star rating? They manipulate the review system. They stuff it with fake, bought and paid for reviews.
Unfortunately reviews today are not worth the time of day. There are whole industries set up to lie and cheat on reviews. You can't believe anything. Even the video reviews are often fake - so the written reviews are super easy to fake. Bottom line is - don't put too much faith or stock in Amazon or Google reviews. The only reviews that really matter are a review from a friend you know and trust or a real video review - but it has to be real.
But be careful. Walmart's website is also filled with counterfeit products. It's always best to order directly from the website of the REAL manufacturer to make sure you are getting the real product—not some phony.