Lab Reports Don't Lie



- Highest Lab Scores
- Outstanding Formula
- In a class by itself
This is the lab test result that got the highest score. Even the scientists doing the testing were surprised at how high the numbers were. So they tested it multiple times and each time the results were off the charts. 824 mg of Beta-Sitosterol. Compare this to the average test score of 70 mg and you'll see why it produces such great results.
The total sterol score was over 1,050 mg. A more powerful product, produces not only faster results, but better results as well.
The key is their 99% pure source of Beta-Sitosterol, imported from the Landes Forest in France. The new “Gold Standard” by which all other prostate pills will be judged.
Prostavar Ultra

Prostavar Ultra

- Excellent Lab Test Scores
- Top 3 Product
A review of this chemical analysis report on Prostavar Ultra makes it obvious why it made it to the Top 5. The high score explains why so many men report great success with their prostate as a result of taking it.
The scores are exceptionally high in each category. Not only are the Total Sterols at 567 mg, but the Beta-Sitosterol levels are also super high at 374 mg.
Intelligent formula packed with world-class, high potency ingredients. Top 5 pill.


- Top Notch Lab Score
- High Beta-Sitosterol Content
- Top 5 Product
This powerhouse formula smashed its way into the Top 5 with an incredible laboratory performance and well-rounded formula.
From the Florida based company Uniscience Group, Pros-Terol produced a super Beta-Sitosterol score of 361 mg and a “Total Sterol” score of 756 mg. Both are super numbers!
This strong showing in the independent laboratory tests has to be particularity gratifying to the Uniscience Group because they are a direct-to-consumer company and for years have been touting how much better Beta-Sitosterol is than Saw Palmetto.
Horbaach Beta-Sitosterol

Horbaach Beta-Sitosterol

- Well below the 1,200 claimed - but still better than most
- Big Bottle - Big Number - Not reality
This product promises a mega-dose of sterols. 1,200 mg, to be exact. That would be tremendous, especially if it was loaded with Beta Sitosterol.
Unfortunately, the lab test result reveals that the 1,200 mg claimed turns out to be only 341 mg. So they missed their claims by almost 70%.
Their score is still good - but not what they promised. It would be like you expecting a bonus of $120,000, and you end up only getting $340,000 — big disappointment.


- Dr. Fred Pescatore's Formula
- Rock Solid Sterol Score
Unlike the tidal wave of fake doctors selling prostate pills online - Dr. Fred Pescatore is a real medical doctor - and a good one!
His prostate formula turned in rock-solid scores in the lab test. 209 mg of Beta-Sitosterol, and a total sterol score of 477 mg. This is like getting a stand-up double in baseball - solid hit!
In an industry filled with frauds, it's nice to see that there are still a handful of doctors who shoot straight and know what they are talking about when it comes to men's health.
Remember, if you have tried prostate supplements in the past and they didn't work for you - the odds are greater than 90% that it's because you bought a scam product - so don't get discouraged - it wasn't your fault. After all, who would think that the industry was filled with fake doctors and fake pills?
Get yourself one of the top-rated products - like this one - and your prostate problems will be straightened out in no time - rock-solid product.
Prosta-Vive LS

Prosta-Vive LS

- Solid Sterol Score
- Heavily Advertised
Florida based Dr. Al Sears, has been selling supplements for over 20 years.
He has sold multiple different prostate supplements. This is his latest offering.
The lab score shows Dr. Sears did a nice job. It contains a solid 154 mg of Beta-Sitosterol in each serving.
A very solid score. The total sterol score was also a very solid 383 mg.
Super Beta Prostate

Super Beta Prostate

- Solid Formula but Racked by Scandals
- FDA Adverse Reports
- Caught using Fake Testimonials for Over 10 Years
The label on the bottle says over 15 million sold. It also says #1 urologist recommended. Well, all is NOT what it seems here. Make sure you see the in-depth review on SBP that reveals their long history of tricks and deception.
Their lab is solid. They get a top 15 score - not Top 5, but certainly in the Top 15, with the test showing 329 mg of Beta-Sitosterol in each dose. This score is better than their “Advanced” formula recorded, as you can see on the next page.
The formula also has a good vitamin and mineral mix with their key ingredient Beta-Sitosterol. These are all good.
The bad part is the company was exposed, lying to consumers for over ten years, with over 20 separate instances using paid actors pretending to be customers. Plus, HUNDREDS of men reported to the FDA they had an adverse reaction to the pills. Scary stuff. See the full review for the shocking story behind this product.
Roman Prostate Health

Roman Prostate Health

- Rock Solid Score
- Telemedicine Company
This company is know for its telemedicine business They are one of the top places to get Viagra and Cialis over the internet and delivered to your home. They are a Top 5 company in our review ( is the top spot to get generic Viagra and Cialis if you are interested in that - great service).
This lab test shows they are honest. What is says ont he label is what you get - no scam here - just a solid Beta-Sitosterol score. The rest of the formula is lacking, but Roman is new to the industry and I look for them to “beef up” their formula sometime in the future.
Teraputics Prostate Pro

Teraputics Prostate Pro

- Better Than Average
- Doesn't Match Label Claims though
They claim to have 300 mg of total phytosterols and they came in with a score of 251 mg - that's 80% of their label claim - which is very good in this industry that is filled with liars and thieves.
Nugenix Full Potency Prostate

Nugenix Full Potency Prostate

- Multi-Million Dollar company caught using Fake Testimonials
- Doesn't Match Label Claims though
Lab scores for phytosterols and Beta-Sitosterol are above average. They claim 130 mg of total phytosterols on their label, and the lab test shows they have 95 mg - not too bad at all. Their free fatty acid score, however, is quite poor. Only 45 mg of free fatty acids when the label claims 400 mg - not very good at all.
As you will see in our scam section Nugenix was caught using fake testimonials and they use a “negative option” billing scheme to charge your credit card $64.98 every month after an initial “free bottle”. With a lab score like this - $64.98 is highway robbery.


- Advertises on TV Heavily
- Uses Bull Shit Testimonials
- Decent Lab Test Results
For years this product has been heavily advertised on TV. As you will see in my in-depth review of Prosvent, they trick you with bull shit testimonials on the TV show - the owner and his pals pretend to be customers. Then they even use the owners' brother pretending to be a customer.
Anyway, despite the BS marketing tricks, the formula is only average.
The original Prosvent formula shows 81 mg of Beta-Sitosterol in each dose. Prosvent “Ultra formula” only has 83 mg of Beta-Sitosterol - not much of a difference. Both formulas are average compared to others and still WAY below the published clinical studies that you need to take to get significant results.
Source Naturals Mega Strength Beta-Sitosterol

Source Naturals Mega Strength Beta-Sitosterol

- Mega Joke is more accurate
- Contains less than 1/3 of what the label says
With a product named MEGA STRENGTH, you would be expecting a score that knocks it out of the park. That is not the case. In fact, it is not even close.
The lab test reveals that each serving contains 134 mg of Beta-Sitosterol and a total of 277 mg of total sterols. Both have decent scores, but not even close to the numbers they claim on their label.
In the supplement facts panel, you will see that they claim 937 mg of total sterols - and the actual number is only 277 mg. And the 375 mg of Beta-Sitosterol they promise turns out to only be 134 mg.
As Don Adams would say in Get Smart... he “missed it by this much.”
Mega disappointment!
Force Factor

Force Factor

- Sold in Walmart
- Flashy TV Ads
- 69 mg of Beta-Sitosterol
- Marketing Nonsense
The slick marketing company behind this product, which is sold in Walmart, recorded a less than average score. They have their Beta-Sitosterol in their formula as part of their “Flow Enhancement Complex.” They used another version of this “Flow Enhancement Complex” in their other prostate supplement - TruFlow, which had a horrible lab score and uses a deceptive “free bottle” billing scheme to trick men.
By putting the Beta-Sitosterol in a “complex” they don't have to tell you how much is in each dose. But our lab report gives you the answer - 70 mg per dosage. Not the worst score, but certainly not a superstar product as they would have you believe.
Prostate MD

Prostate MD

- Marketing Filled with Complete Bull Shit
- Formula is Highly Suspect
- Busted Using Fake Testimonials
One of the slickest scams on the market. Uses a paid urologist who acts like a trained seal reading lines of pure BS to you in his white lab coat in a video that is widely circulated on the Internet.
Lab report shows the product is a complete scam. Look at the score - not even 1 single mg of Beta-Sitosterol.
But what would you expect from a company using paid actors pretending to be regular customers. They also use a website called which is a total fraud.
KRK Supplements Beta-Sitosterol

KRK Supplements Beta-Sitosterol

- Contains LESS THAN 1/10 of what label claims
- Just another Rip-Off product
Here is another product trying to capitalize on the Beta-Sitosterol news. By now, millions of men have heard that high-quality Beta-Sitosterol can throw a knock-out punch to end prostate problems. So companies have been springing up all over the country selling formulas with Beta-Sitosterol.
This product claims to have 800 mg of Beta-Sitosterol. Sounds great. That would be a HUGE help to any man struggling with getting up at night to pee or with a weak stream and soft erections.
However, the lab test score shows that it doesn't contain 800 mg - but only 42 mg of Beta-Sitosterol and total sterols count of under 100 mg. So it's not even close to what they claim on the label.
Just another in a long line of companies lying about what is really in their pills. Good thing we paid to have all these products tested in the same labs used by the FDA and FBI to know the absolute truth about what works and what doesn't.


- Excellent Lab Scores
- Intelligent Formulation
- Top 10 Product
This outstanding product comes from the LifeSeasons company based in Lewisville, Texas just outside of Dallas. It should come as no surprise that their product finished in the Top 10 since they take a serious approach to their formulations and have a very impressive scientific advisory board that develops their formulas.
The lab test shows it contains an outstanding 683 mg of Total Sterols and 375 mg of Beta-Sitosterol. These are both fantastic numbers. Remember, Beta-Sitosterol has also been shown to help reduce bad cholesterol and improve your cardiovascular health as well. Great product.
Fling Gummies - Prostate Flow

Fling Gummies - Prostate Flow

- Basically Worthless
- Gummies is a Weak Marketing Gimmick
If you are over age 50 you can't go on FaceBook without seeing ads for this product. All their ads feature some guy holding a bottle of these gummy pills and raving about how it's saved their prostate health.
The only problem is that none of these men a real customers. They are all paid actors. Every one of them.
As you will see from the lab report the product is basically worthless. You would probably be better off eating a bag of peanuts that this nonsense. It's just a marketing gimmick that won't do anything to help your prostate.
Advanced Prostate Formula

Advanced Prostate Formula

- Two Lab Tests - 6 Years Apart - Both Horrible
- MD Had his Medical License Taken Away in 2 States
I first tested this product back in 2016 at Covance Laboratories. The test showed that these pills are virtually worthless. Zero sterols.
I tested it again in 2022 at Summit Laboratories, and once again, it failed the test - BIG Time.
So think of how many men from 2016 thru 2022 bought this product after reading their fancy marketing bull shit. Pretty said that crap like this makes millions by tricking men like you out of your hard-earned money. Plus, the worst part - you are trying to do the right thing to help your prostate, but the reality is that your prostate health only gets worse.
See the feature on their expert Medical Doctor who shills for their products - Dr. Frank Shallenberger. Frankie Baby lost his medical license not once - but twice! Do you know how hard it is to lose your medical license twice? That's their guy - total disgrace - making videos. They're selling their crap, acting like he's some esteemed professional and not some gutter ball that has his license yanked twice.
What a terrible situation - but now you know the truth, and you won't get fleeced like so many others who didn't have this inside information that the lab tests show.
Havasu Nutrition Saw Palmetto

Havasu Nutrition Saw Palmetto

- Worthless Hoax
- Amazon MEGA Scam
- Floods Amazon with Fake Reviews from Shills
This product is a scam. It is the #1 selling prostate product on Amazon largely because of the way this company manipulates Amazon reviews. They have over 20,000 reviews on Amazon and a 4.4 rating. Sounds great right? Most are fake or bought and paid for - it's total crap.
Just look at this lab score. Saw Palmetto is worthless to begin with, but they also cheat you on the ingredients. They claim 500 mg and 45% free fatty acids. So it should have approximately 225 mg of free fatty acids. But the lab test shows it only has 22.50. Fake reviews and fake product — it's dog shit as my father would say.
NatureMade Super Saw Palmetto

NatureMade Super Saw Palmetto

- Terrible Lab Score
- Less than 2 mg Sterols
- All Saw Palmetto is a Waste of Money
It should come as no surprise that this product only produced 2 mg of sterols in the lab test. The supplement facts shows it contains 480 mg of Saw Palmetto. So 480 mg of Saw Palmetto gets you less than 2 mg of sterols.
That is sad. Nature Made is a very good company with some top products, but here is a classic example of how the old scientific belief of the importance of Saw Palmetto is shown to be wrong. Lab reports don't lie. There are barely any sterols in this product, so it's a waste of your time.


- Total Scam
- Doesn't Even Contain 1mg of Sterols!
- Lock Them Up!
This is the kind of garbage product that gives the natural health industry a black eye. It makes big promises and tries to look all “wholesome,” “natural,” and even “organic” with a leaf on their bottle. Yet the formula is basically worthless powder.
Look at the lab score. Not even one single mg of sterols. Garbage!


- Total Scam
- Claims 1,200 mg of Sterols, Test Shows Only 10 mg!
- Tested Twice!
Simply put, this is a massive scam, as the lab report demonstrates. Look at the front of their bottle - it states it has 1,200 mg of a sterol blend called Beta-Sci. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? Well, the lab test shows only 10 mg of sterols.
I thought it was impossible that the score was low since the bottle boldly claimed 1,200 mg of sterols. So I had it tested a second time - and sure enough, the second report was even worse—pure crap.
This has to be some sort of crime - claiming 1,200 and only delivering 10 mg!! Aren't you glad I paid to have all these products tested, so you know the REAL story?
This product is worthless crap!
Prostate 911

Prostate 911

- Massive Scam
- Dr. Steven Klayman Shills For this Fraud
- Like John Belushi's Character “Bluto” Blutasky in Animal House… Their Score is Zero Point Zero
It's products like this that caused me to write this guide. They use a doctor to endorse the product, so you trust them. They lie through their teeth to you. Not only do they steal your money with their false claims and lies - but the product they send you is pure powder. So you get nothing at all. Your prostate gets worse.
I get threats from the bad guys in the industry all the time. I am exposing their scams, and they want to silence me. I don't care. F these conmen is what I say. And F Big Pharma and their lies too. I'm not afraid of any of them - I'll take the heat to help men like you to see the truth.
This product, like so many, is a complete and total SCAM!
Prostate Plus+

Prostate Plus+

- Massive Fraud
- Literally Worthless Powder in a Bottle
The same group of crooks behind other scams like Prosta Stream, Prostate 911, Vital Flow, Prostate Pro, Vital Prostate and others. They keep switching names because the heat get to them. They get so many complaints and guys asking for their money back, that they simply close up shop, come up with a new name and new sales angle... and run the same scam over and over and over.
If I didn't put out this guide and show the lab tests no one would ever know how crooked this industry is. Fake names. Hiding who the true owners are. Operating offshore - outside the USA. Mail drops. Fulfillment companies who never know the real names of the con men behind these companies. Multiple merchant accounts... etc. They whole thing is a scam. The lab test prove beyond any doubt what a scams these places are. The test shows the pills have nothing in them! Powder in a bottle. Stay away from this crap.
Prostate Pro USA
Prostate Pro USA
- Massive Scam
- Should be in Jail
- Al Capone had Nothing on these crooks
When men say - Oh those prostate supplements don't work - just a waste of time, etc. They feel that way because of crooks like these guys.
They promise the moon in their slick advertisements, and then they deliver a bottle of pure powder! That's what this lab report shows - there is NOTHING in these pills. Total scam.
Same crew that is behind the Prostate Plus+ fraud.
Prosta Stream

Prosta Stream

- Pure Fraud
- Should be in Jail
- Con Men of The Century
What would you expect the lab report from these con men to look like? Of course it's a total scam. The test shows there is literally NOTHING in these pills.
They use fake ads, they change the name of their product all the time after they have ripped-off enough guys. There is not even 1 mg of phytosterols in the product - not one, and they sell this crap for $69.95 a bottle.
Schiff Prostate Health

Schiff Prostate Health

- Horrible Lab Report
- Not Even 2 mg Of Sterols
- Drugstore Standard Shown to be Worthless
This lab score is a disgrace. Contains less than 1 milligram of Beta-Sitosterol. This is a joke. There is more Beta-Sitosterol in a single walnut than in these pills. The Total Sterols level is under 2 mg. Yet this product is sold in drug stores from coast-to coast, despite how literally worthless this lab report proves it is. Save your money.
It is cheap because there is literally NOTHING in it. Fairy dust.
Vital Prostate
Vital Prostate
- Massive Scam
- The Crooks Behind This Should Be In Jail!
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Prosta Free

Prosta Free

- Total Scam
- These Crooks Should be sent to Jail
Another prostate fraud hiding behind a mail drop in Wyoming. Same groups of crooks behind such scams as ProstaFlex, ProstatePro, ProstaPlex and ProstaEdge.
The long video used to sell this bottle of dust is filled with actors pretending to be happy users and the researcher who discovered this fake miracle claims to be a man named George Harrington — it's a lies. He's a low level actor named Doug Eberhart
Just look at that lab report — literally noting in this — like a bottle of dust. If you got scammed by these guys, it's not your fault — they are very good liars.


- Using paid actors!
Prostate pill scams are at an all-time high! ActiFlow is one of the latest rip-offs tricking men all over the country.
Don't feel bad if you got fooled by this scam - it's not your fault. These crooked schemes are very sophisticated and believable. The lie about studies from Harvard and Stanford. They use professional writers. The hire actors to LIE and pretend to be happy customers. And the main spokesperson for this fraud is also a paid actor — a total piece of shit- basically a hooker on film.
So don't feel bad it you got tricked - hundreds of thousands of men have been tricked by these schemes - but
- SHOCKINGLY low total sterol score!
- Massive scam!!!
Horrible lab score on this product is put out by U.S. Doctors Clinical out of the Los Angeles area. It has sold over 4 million bottles.
Sold in most major drugstore chains like Rite Aide, Walgreens, CVS and others. It is incredibably expensive for what you get. It recorded a SHOCKINGLY low total sterol score of only 3.72 sterols!! That's basically worthless. It doesn't even have 1 mg of Beta-Sitosterol. Imagine that, you pay about $40 for a bottle and get basically zero sterols and the free fatty acids score wasn't so hot either - just 0.549 free fatty acids.
Like so many of the razzle dazzle claims of the prostate supplement companies their product box say, “Prostata is manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility in the U.S.A. Our manufacturer follows the rigorous policies and procedures of cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices). All of the ingredients in Prostata are thoroughly tested fro purity and potency.” Massive scam. That's 4 million guys who got ripped off. Scams like th