Frequently Asked Questions

Which prostate supplement has 957 Adverse Event Reports filed against it with the FDA?
It's a shocker! Super Beta Prostate (SBP) had 1,090 Adverse Event Reports filed against it at the FDA. It was reported in the September 2020 issue of the famous Consumer Reports magazine. Ryan Felton was their investigator who dug this up. A report is filed when a man takes the product - any product, and they have a bad reaction to it. The most common report filed with the FDA was men peeing blood after taking SBP.
I have not found one other prostate supplement that has ANY reports like this filed with the FDA. Zippo. Not even one. But SBP not only had the highest number of these reports in the prostate industry - it was reported by Felton that they had the highest number of adverse reports filed against it of ANY dietary supplement in any category! That means out of every single supplement you see at GNC and on Amazon and in Walmart, CVS - you name it - SBP had more of these reports filed against it than any other product in America. Bet you didn't know that.
What is the #1 Prostate Killer?
Hidden man-made sugar. This is the reason for the huge surge in prostate problems. It causes Candida of the prostate. Enlarges your prostate. I'm not talking about natural sugar you get in fruits - I'm talking about man-made sugars that you don't even know you are eating. The crap they sneak into things like potato chips, diet soda, yogurt, cereal, wheat bread (yup Pepperidge Farms and others are loaded with sugar - bet you didn't know that), and tons of other things. This stuff is poison for your prostate. That's the main reason prostate troubles have exploded in the last 40 years to record levels. Sugar is poison for many reasons - but it's a prostate assassin.
What are the 4 Health foods that are bad for you?
Yogurt, Wheat Bread, Cereal Bars and Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi are the four worst "health foods" for your prostate. Dannon yogurt and Yoplait are both loaded with sugar - more than 5 sugar donuts from Dunkin' Donuts. Wonder Bread and Pepperidge Farm 100% whole wheat cinnamon raisin swirl are loaded with sugar. And on the cereal bars - Kellog's Special K Vanilla Crisp, Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bars, and Honey Nut Cheerios Milk n Cereal Bars are all loaded with man-made sugar - prostate poison - all this crap is.
Which prostate supplements companies use fake testimonials?

There are tons of them! Pretty much all of them except ProstaGenix. Here is a partial list of the most heavily promoted brands that use paid actors.
Super Beta Prostate - Caught using over 20 - yes TWENTY - paid actors pretending to be real customers in a number of TV commercials going back close to ten years.
Prosvent - Their TV infomercial featured testimonials from the owner/producer of the TV show/infomercial Steve Ober, his best friend and partner John Brodey and their other buddies - not real customers. Arthur Ober, Steve's brother, also gave a testimonial in a separate TV advertisement. They never say they are with the company or were producing the TV show. Their affiliated new product is called Ideal Prostate. Their TV ad is filled with paid actors. Like 6 testimonials, and they all pretend to be real customers - but it's BS - they are all paid actors - every one of them.
Prostate MD - They have a long video playing all over the internet, and it features three men identified as real customers. Total BS. All three are paid actors. And one guy - a small-time actor named Jim Johnson also appeared in a Super Beta Prostate TV commercial as one of their users.
Nugenix Full Potency Prostate - They got caught using actors and even - incredibly - using their own video editor, using a fake name, pretending to have had great success with their prostate pills - no real customers - just fake testimonials.
Flomentum - This saw palmetto nonsense features one "real customer testimonial" on their website - and of course, he is a paid shill. An actor paid to try and trick you.
Prosta Stream - This group of crooks has a long video featuring a low-level, actor name Mike Sutton playing the role of Frank Neal - the supposed genius who created Prosta Stream. And they have several men identified as "real customers", and they are low-level actors too.
Fluxactive Complete - Another of these long phony videos filled to the rafters with lies and deception. Nothing but 30 minutes of lie after lie. Features an actor pretending to be a famous researcher in a white lab coat. Total fraud. And the four men in the video pretending to be happy customers - they are all actors.
Prostate 911 - Fake actors and the doctor they use is a chiropractor in Texas who has nothing to do with this worthless product.
Others using actors are: Prostate Pro, Prostate Flex, Gorilla Flow, and too many more to list - but they are all little tiny companies - low-level grifters out for your cash!
What is The French Prostate Secret Ingredient?
Maritime Pine trees found in the Landes Forest in France. It's known as the "skinny Pine Tree." This unusual tree produces the world's most potent form of Beta Sitosterol. Beta Sitosterol is by far - repeat by far - a third time - BY FAR - it is the most clinically proven natural compound to fix your prostate health. But not all Beta Sitosterol is the same - far from it. But the one from France - found only in America in ProstaGenix - is the actual source used in the famous published clinical studies.
Plus, they have a special extraction process invented in the 1970s in France that they use to purify the ingredient even more - making it super bioavailable, or in regular guys' terms - which I understand better - it makes it stronger - like crazy stronger - and that's why it works. And that's why men in France - starting in the late 1970s have enjoyed tremendous improvements in their prostate health.
What the Big Pharma Drug Companies Don't want you to know?
There are a number of things they don't want you to know:
- They were behind promoting saw palmetto as a wonder herb for prostate health. They knew full well it didn't work - but they are always trying to discredit the natural health industry, so consumers think it's all BS and nothing works. They knew men would take saw palmetto - it wouldn't work - and they would have no choice but to go to their urologist to get put on one of Big Pharma prescription drugs - or have an operation - either way, they make money.
- When a natural product comes out and has legitimate published human clinical studies on compounds that work - they immediately fund additional studies to show poor results. This happens not just in the prostate world - but across the board. The famous product Cholestin - a "red yeast rice extract" to lower cholesterol. It was a phenomenon - worked like crazy to lower cholesterol. But it is the exact same ingredient - same natural molecular structure found in the prescription drug Lovastatin. Literally identical. So "Big Pharma" went to the FDA. They shut the product down. Went after the company - and to this day, you are not allowed to say or publicize that red rice yeast extract lowers cholesterol - even though it does. The pills sell, but they are not allowed to tell you what it really does - pretty crummy - that's the power of Big Pharma.
- Same is true in prostate supplements with Beta-Sitosterol from France. It was kept out of the USA until 2017. It was too expensive to import - would have been like $500 a bottle. But Beta-Sitosterol from China - made from soy - pure crap - that could be imported to America with no problems. Legal loophole made it possible for the good stuff from France to come to America in 2017 - and look what happened. Men love it because it works. Sales are exploding. So someone at Big Pharma made a Big Screw up!
- As we speak, there are numerous attempts being made by Big Pharma to get this Beta-Sitosterol (found in ProstaGenix) off the market - and one way they are doing it is by filing a bunch of patent applications to try and get the exclusive rights to Beta-Sitosterol as it relates to prostate health. Very sneaky. They hope to win in court and take it off the market and turn it into a drug they - and only they can profit from. Should take years to try ... but right now, the coast is clear!
- They put pressure on government agencies not to shut down the companies making false claims about prostate supplements. They want them to keep selling their crap to men because all it does is make more and more men throw their hands up in the air and say - this stuff is dog shit - and they swear off prostate supplements and go running to the Big Pharma drugs and operations just like trained seals. They do this in every industry. It's disgusting how they intentionally lie to you about your health just to make money.
What the Prostate Supplement Companies Don't want you to know?
Not all of them - but my research shows that over 90% - that's 9 out 10 are just total BS - pure snake oil. Here is what they don't want you to know: They lie in their ads. Their pills are filled with weak powder which gives no real benefit. NY Attorney General proved this too. They all use fake testimonials. Most Amazon reviews are fake. They don't test their products in labs like they claim. Some are operated by high school and college kids. They use stock photo images they steal off the internet of doctors to use on their websites, claiming these doctors to be part of their medical team.
Bottom line: 9 out of 10 are pure BS - that's why if you have tried any pills in the past and they didn't work for you - it's not your fault - you didn't know you were being lied to like this - total frauds.
What Urologists Don't want you to know?
They didn't study natural health at medical school. There is no money in it for them if they tell you to take a natural product instead of prescribing a Big Pharma drug. They make money on procedures and operations - so some of them - certainly not all - there are plenty of honest, hard-working urologists that work their tails off to help men - but there are also many that will do and say anything to get some money out of you so they can make their mortgage payment and keep their wives from bitching about not having enough money.
I heard of the Amazing Prostate Shrinking Secret of the 87-year-old golf whiz from the French Riviera. What is it?
That is ProstaGenix. Bernard Arono is now 92-years-old and says his prostate is still good, though he jokes his golf game is pretty much over - haha! He spends his days walking down Le Croissette in Cannes with his 85-year-old wife Michelle, where they like to have lunch every day at either the Carlton Beach Club, the Martinez Hotel, or La Mome Plage.
Great guy - who saved my prostate and is responsible for helping over a million men in America alone improve their prostate health - I pick up the tab for his meals every single day - that's how important he has been to me.
He was thrilled to meet Larry King. Larry wanted to personally thank Bernard. Larry was big in France too because his show was syndicated all over the world. Larry and Oprah were the two most recognized people in the world up until 2105 because their shows were all over the world - kind of interesting, I thought.
What is the surefire way to sleep through the night in 10 days without getting up to go?
Take ProstaGenix - take it at night - for some men it works for in just a few days - some in 10 days - most it works for in like 3 weeks - you'll feel it before that, but it really kicks in like weeks 3 through 6. Plus, take 3 mg of melatonin. This, of course, helps you sleep, but what most people don't know - and you can study it online - melatonin is especially great for your prostate.
Melatonin is actually a hormone, and your prostate has melatonin receptors in it. Melatonin is great for your prostate - read what it does - I am not allowed to write what the studies show - but here is a hint - it has to do with the Big C.
What are the 5 symptoms of a diseased prostate?
- Frequent urination during the day.
- Sudden urgency to urinate.
- A weak stream where you dribble little squirts when you go.
- Weak or non-existent erections.
- Getting up at night to go to the men's room.
What are the 7 Warning Signs Your Prostate is about to Explode?
- Your nightly bathroom trips are increasing.
- You're having trouble getting a stream started.
- You have prostate problems AND poor eating habits.
- You urinate blood.
- You don't exercise combined with other prostate problems increasing - more getting up at night -more urgency - more dribbling, etc.
- You can't urinate at all.
- You are finding it more and more difficult to urinate.
What is the Secret to Bringing Back the Bedroom Magic?
Your erections are controlled by your prostate. Basically, it's the gatekeeper to your ability to get an erection and to ejaculate, etc. You always hear about "blood flow" and "nitric oxide" needed to get an erection. This is true. You need nitric oxide to reach your "Johnson" so you can get an erection. But if you have a swollen prostate - all bets are off - makes it even tougher.
So by shrinking your prostate, you will see your erections come roaring back. Some guys will still need additional nitric oxide to increase the blood flow down there - that's what Viagra and Cialis do. The natural products that improve this are L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and a few others - but these are the key ones right now. But, once you get your prostate shrinking - you should see that the better your prostate gets - and you can tell just by the reduced trips to the bathroom at night. So the better it gets, the better your erections!
Can you tell me the Real Story Behind Saw Palmetto and President Clinton Pardon that I saw in your ads?
In a nutshell - a guy named Almon Glenn Braswell - who was convicted and sentenced to federal prison in the late 80s for selling a fake baldness cure featuring saw palmetto as its key ingredient, started all the false claims and hype over saw palmetto being a miracle cure for prostate health. He started this in 1996, right when a new law passed. He misrepresented studies done in Europe that were done on saw palmetto. He did this right when he got out of the slammer for the earlier fraud.
Sales exploded. Saw palmetto producers weren't going to correct him. Big Pharma wasn't going to say anything either. It's a very long story I will get to you in a new piece I have coming out on this - but Braswell appeared before a Senate hearing the day before 9-11. September 10, 2001. He took the Fifth on all questions. He then got a pardon from President Clinton on his last day in office. Braswell was later found dead of mysterious causes. His brother said he was murdered. He was barely 60 - trim and in shape and died home alone with no witnesses.
Bottom line - saw palmetto does nothing for your prostate!
Should I take the PSA Test?
America's number one urologist - Dr. Dudley Danoff of Tower Urology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, says yes. He has a long explanation in a great video he did- but says early detection of serious prostate issues is made possible by the PSA test. If you would like to see his 3-minute video, just send us an email, and I'll make sure we zip it out to you.